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Jack’s Veterinary IMMUNE 1

Jack’s Veterinary IMMUNE 1

庫存單位: 217537123517253

Jack’s Veterinary IMMUNE 1靈芝精華提取物能增強免疫系統,尤其增強淋巴細胞以對抗病毒感染,很適合年幼的小動物用作日常保健品。而用於動物治療中,能支援治療病毒性感染疾病(例如:狗瘟、貓瘟及貓上呼吸道感染)。


Jack’s Veterinary IMMUNE 1 is an extract of Lingzhi which helps boosting the immune system. It boosts the lymphatic cells to against viral infection. It is suitable for a daily use of animals in young age. It is also used for supporting treatment of viral infection such as Canine Distemper, Feline Panleukopenia and Feline Upper Respiratory Infection etc.

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